USAID Washington and EDC visit Quezon City University to Discuss Achievements in Empowering OSYs in QC

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Selected officials of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Education Development Center (EDC) met with QCU President Dr. Theresita V. Atienza to discuss the noteworthy accomplishments of QCU and the QC Youth Development Alliance (YDA) in their collective efforts to support out-of-school youth (OSY) in the city.

Led by Ms. Laila ElGohary, Executive Secretary of the Office of the Executive Secretariat, USAID Washington DC, the foreign delegation included Ms. Candace Smith, Administrative Officer, USAID, and Ms. Yvette Malcioln, Deputy Office Director of USAID Philippines. Dr. Atienza and QCU officials extended a warm welcome to the guests, highlighted by a cultural presentation from the Tanghalang QCU – Dance Chorale.

Representing the EDC, the implementing partner of USAID in the Philippines under the Opportunity 2.0 (O2) program, were Ms. Jill Jarvi, Chief of Party, and Dr. Maria Theresa Mokamad, Deputy Chief of Party on Technical Programs.

Also present during the meeting were Dr. Eddilyn DC. Dividina, Head of the Secretariat of the QCYDA and Head of the QC Local Youth Development Office (QCYLDO); Mr. Angelito P. Bautista, Acting Director, QCU Research Management Office; Ms. Marielle Siapno-Gaw, Youth Development Officer III, QCLYDO; Ms. Aimee Valenzuela, EDC Youth Development Coordinator for QC; and Ms. Hazel Duya, EDC Youth Development Officer for QC.

After the short introduction, Ms. Siapno-Gaw delivered a presentation outlining the significant accomplishments of the QCYDA, followed by Dr. Atienza’s overview of QCU’s successful collaboration with USAID through the Executive Course for Barangay Leaders on Systems Delivery Support (BLeSDS for the OSY). The President also highlighted the successes of QCU in helping promote opportunities for OSY in QC.

“We are thankful to USAID for providing us the grant. Because of the grant, we were able to realize that we have more to offer for our OSY. We realized that our clients do not just include our students but the OSY in our communities,” Dr. Atienza stated.

A highlight of the visit is a short meeting where USAID officials with selected youth leaders and youth completers who successfully took part in USAID-funded projects in Quezon City. Afterwards, the guests participated in short tour of the QCU – Center for Urban Agriculture and Innovation (CUAI) – Urban Farm, where they witnessed firsthand the impact of USAID-funded activities to the OSY, particularly those who secured employment through the city’s emergency employment program after benefiting from programs spearheaded by QCU.

The delegation expressed deep appreciation for the progress made by QCU as a beneficiary of USAID-supported initiatives.

“We are very happy with you [Dr. Atienza] presented and we hope that you continue this in the future,” ElGohary said.

#1QCU #IbangKlaseSaQCU #USAIDVisit

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