Extension Management Office

Another primary unit of the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning, and Linkages (OVPREPL) is the Extension Management Office or EMO. A Director heads the EMO and is primarily in charge of implementing the University’s extension program to foster a strong community and business partnerships, networks, and linkages through a collaborative and transdisciplinary approach that emphasizes the role of QCU at the center of the Quezon City government’s ecosystem.

Functions and Responsibilities

a. recommends extension plans, programs, projects, and policies to the Vice President for
Research, Extension, Planning, and Linkages;
b. implements policies on extension programs of the University;
c. establishes and maintains linkages with national institutions with similar educational goals to facilitate the conduct of various extension programs;
d. monitors the implementation of the approved extension projects;
e. conducts fund-sourcing for extension projects;
f. conducts extension capability building program;
g. popularize the university extension through various information, education, and communication (IEC) materials; and
h. coordinates the extension activities of colleges and branches.

University Extension Agenda

University Extension Agenda, Thrust, And Priorities (2021-2025)

The University’s goal in institutionalizing this extension agenda is to increase extension program productivity, enhance extension capability, maintain quality, and promote a quality- and transformation-driven extension environment.

The University’s research agenda and its thrusts and priorities are anchored in the priority thrust outlined in CMO 52, s.2017, the country’s long-term vision – Ambisyon Natin 2040 – and in the country’s long-term development agenda Agenda 2030, in conjunction with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

The QCU Extension Thrusts and Priorities (2021-2025) have been developed with input from its stakeholders, particularly faculty and students, and in response to the community’s and partners’ needs.

The following extension platforms will be guided by the QCU Extension Thrusts and Priorities (2021-2025).

  • As a Smart and Competitive City, Quezon City. As a local university, QCU is an integral part of the Quezon City local government’s program implementation. As a result, one of the university’s extensions priorities is to assist Quezon City in becoming a smart city and promoting its competitiveness. The adoption of information technology is critical to the creation of a smart, competitive city.  This platform is aimed at fostering and enabling research that can help data users such as small to medium business enterprises, industry, local governments, legislators, policymakers, teachers, students, individuals and families, and other stakeholders harness the potential of data, in varying levels of complexity, to make an informed decision. The University will advance extension projects that will enhance Quezon City’s competitiveness and the application of technology to provide services and solve urban problems. Extension programs on this platform may include:
    • Development of prototype smart farms via an integrated use of data analytics, weather, heat, and water sensor, information communication, and phone apps;
    • Application and Utilization of data analytics in the development of urban systems;
    • Development and testing of techno-entrepreneurship programs in formal and non-formal education settings.
  • Accelerate Human Capital Development. This platform serves the desired national development goal of increased human capital development in various areas such as urban agricultural productivity, availability, and accessibility of safe and nutritious food that meet people’s dietary needs, evidence-based knowledge and understanding to optimize health service delivery, strong labor force, adequate entrepreneurial opportunities, and innovative education. This extension program aims to introduce and implement extension projects that will help the citizens meet their educational objectives, acquire necessary skills, and hone communication and social skills. Extension programs on these platforms may include:
    • Improved understanding of “food ecology” by examining farming production and system that look at factors such as land, labor, capital, culture, customs, gender, roles, materials resources, and other biophysical, socioeconomic, and political variables that impact the total amount of crop and livestock outputs;
    • Technological innovation such as small-scale irrigation projects and hydrologic mapping, heat and weather sensors, etc. to help cushion farmers from weather extremes and dwindling crop yields brought about by climate change;
    • Technological innovations focused on reducing production losses as well as a post-harvest technological innovation that can ensure the quality, freshness, and marketability of agricultural products;
    • Crop selection mechanisms that can help identify sources of resistance/resilience to abiotic stresses including heat, cold, and droughts; and
    • Generic enhancements can help crops cope in variable growing conditions.
    • Strategies for training, managing, and supporting health care workers;
    • Decentralization of care from hospitals out to more rural facilities, and form clinical to non-clinical staff;
    • Strategies for enabling better integration of services, such as for maternal, neonatal, child health and nutrition, detection and prevention of tuberculosis, HIV, malaria, and other infectious diseases as well as for other chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes;
    • Improving doctor-patient communication; and 
    • Communicating risk to the public.
    • Case Studies and other innovation in STEAM education from pre-K through university;
    • Assessment of impact on student learnings in STEAM programs;
    • Lifelong learning on STEAM: improve understanding of how, why, when, individuals learn STEAM across their lifespan in multiple settings and contexts; and
    • Women and STEAM
  • Ensuring Safe, Secure, and Peaceful Community. A safe community embraces a methodology and infrastructure that encourages collaboration among all community sectors to safeguard citizens’ well-being and property. This extension program aims to encourage the conceptualization and implementation of services and projects that can enhance safety and security, and possibly transfer technologies and processes to improve risk management, and overall peace and community engagement. Extension programs on this platform may include projects that can address the following:
    • Children and Armed Conflict
    • Intergovernmental and Institutional Relations
    • Peace and Conflict Resolution
    • Organized Violence
    • Digital Hate Crimes
    • Peace Innovation
    • Conflict Prevention
    • International relations
    • Pandemic, Peace, and Conflict
    • Peace and Development
    • Human Security
    • Conflict-related Sexual Violence
    • Women, Peace, and Security
    • Peacebuilding Technologies
    • Mediation and Peaceful Settlements
    • Police and Public Order
    • Gender and Development
    • Child’s rights
  • Clean and Healthy Environment. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes the critical connections between development, the environment, human well-being, and full enjoyment of a broad range of human rights, including life, health, food, water, and sanitation. This extension platform focuses on projects and services that will promote environmental quality and human health and well-being, and address the challenges of inequality, unplanned urbanization, migration, unhealthy and wasteful lifestyles, and unsustainable consumption and production patterns. Extension programs on this platform may include projects that can address the following:
    • Housing and Development
    • Transportation
    • Isolated Communities
    • Health Access and Disparities
    • Sustainable Communities
    • Migration
    • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
    • Disaster and Risk Management
    • Urban Farming
    • Sustainable Production Technologies
    • Assessment and Management of Landscapes and Seascapes
    • Prevention, Monitoring, and Risk Assessment of Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
    • Energy Conservation
    • New energy technology and energy-saving technology;
    • Sustainable utilization of bio-resources;
    • Disaster prevention and mitigation measures;
    • Environmental health management; and
    • Planning, design, and evaluation of energy system from energy production to energy utilization, and safety countermeasures for environmental protection.
  • Effective and Efficient Governance. Effective and efficient governance is critical to the well-being of any country. Governance is the exercise of political, economic, administrative, or other authority or power to manage a country’s resources and affairs. This extension platform will focus on promoting the right of the citizens and groups to express their interests and exercise their legal rights, effective and efficient governance in relation to the functioning of the public sector, and elevating the public sector’s performance in terms of policy formulation and implementation. Extension programs on this platform may include projects that focus on the following:
    • Good Governance
    • Local Government Studies
    • Public Accountability and Transparency
    • Risk Management in Public Organizations
    • E-Government and Democracy
    • Local Economic Growth and Development
    • Public Policy
    • Leadership
    • Health Management
    • Human Resource Management and Development in Public Office
    • Public-Private Partnership
    • Critical Infrastructure
    • Change Management
    • Performance-based and Meritocratic Management System
  • Promotion of the Philippine Culture and Values. Enhancing the social fabric entails increasing cultural awareness, identifying and instilling values for the common good, cultivating creativity, and incorporating cultural sensitivity into governance and development efforts. This extension program focuses on preserving Quezon City’s intangible cultural heritage, increasing public access to cultural resources, preserving living traditions, and promoting the corpus of Filipino values. Extension programs on this platform may include projects that focus on the following:
    • Cultural Mapping
    • Digitization of Cultural Properties
    • Access to Cultural Services through Technologies
    • Development Planning in Culture
    • Data Auditing in Cultural Agencies
    • Social Protection and Human Resource Development among Cultural Workers
    • Culture for Development
    • Natural Heritage Preservation
    • Enhancing Cultural Education
  • Innovation Stimulation and Technology Adoption. Advancing science, technology, and innovation (STI) by increasing the use of scientific and technological breakthroughs will institutionalize improvements in business, health, education, government, and infrastructure systems, among other areas. This extension platform is focused on promoting and accelerating the adoption of new technologies and on stimulating innovation. Extension programs on this platform may include the transfer of technologies and implementation of projects that focus on the following:
    • Hard Infrastructure
      • Communications Infrastructure and Facilities
      • Wireless Electricity
      • Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
      • Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics
      • Telecommunications
      • New Energy Technology and Energy-saving Technology
      • Planning, Design, and Evaluation of Energy Systems from Energy Production to Energy Utilization, and Safety Counter-measures for Environmental Protection
    • Soft Infrastructure
      • Cloud Computing and Virtualization
      • Mobile Testing
      • Systems and Networking
      • Wireless Systems
      • Data Science
      • Data Management and Visualization
      • Machine Learning
      • Computer Graphics and Game Science
      • Internet of Things
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Data Engineering
      • Incubation