Admission Procedure for Student Returnees

*Do not register here if you are:

  • Freshman or Transferee from another school.
  • Old Student of QCU who was enrolled Last Semester.

*This link is only for:

  • Old Students of QCU who were Officially Dropped (OD) last semester.
  • Old Students of QCU who were Not Enrolled last semester who Wish to Return this coming semester .


  1. Fully Accomplished Re-Admission Form.

2. One (1) colored 2×2 picture (White Background with Name Tag)

3. Cleared from the following offices:

  • Accounting (Email or call at 88063314 to check if you have an outstanding balance.  Balance must be settled before the enrollment period),
  • SASD (Call 88063165 if you have an infraction)
  • Guidance if with 3 failed subjects or UD’s in your last semester attended.

4. Medical Clearance from the Medical and Dental Services only after the approval of your application (for medical referral email

Additional Requirement for students with student numbers starting 17 and below – Original PSA Birth Certificate


  1. Register in the Re-admission for Student Returnees Link.
  2. Submit the requirements (except #4) at the Admissions Office. After checking your clearance, proceed to the concerned department/college for advising. Return the form to the admission office.
  3. Admission Office will forward the list of Returnees who are qualified for enrollment to the College Enrollment Officer.
  4. College Enrollment Officer will evaluate and enlist subjects to be enrolled.
  5. The Office of the Registrar will send the Registration Form to the student’s registered email addresses.